I have built the “Dream of Happiness” blog, which at the end had almost 43,000 Facebook followers and almost every social media update I made went viral in an instant. I have coached dozens of bloggers such as Ilana Aalto www.paikkaikelle.fi , Katja Koski www.äännekoulu.fi and Anna Saarikoski-Tähtelä www.pihallaauringontahtiin.com just to name a few. These all my trainees work as bloggers. They have tens of thousands of followers every month.  From Blogger to Professional™ online coaching is right for you when you want to know why the topic of the blog should be limited how a blog on a limited topic can get more readers faster how to choose or change your blog name or how you choose or change your brand name why shouldn’t the blog have any name why you need to know who you’re writing your blog for and why this is extremely important for growth and development how blogging doesn’t become a chore but remains a relaxed and fun hobby or work and how you actually do less but achieve more I will teach you all this and much more in coaching, you are warmly welcome.

Now it's your turn to take the next step

 This can also be shared… like HBO’s theme songs What is the biggest mistake a beginner blogger makes? To start blogging | 0 Comments | Tibia Continent What is the biggest new database mistake a beginner blogger makes? I get asked almost weekly: “Why can’t I start a blog on a free blogging platform? I don’t want to spend money on a blog until it produces something” I know you can’t answer a question with a question but… “Would you rather spend €100.00 now or €650.00 six months from now? There are no guarantees that you will have earned a euro on your blog by then. But if you start a free blog now, you will be at least €650.00 poorer later…” What is the biggest mistake a beginner blogger makes? Even if you blog on a free blog platform, you will have to spend money on the following things: domain blog theme and changing the theme possible add-ons  from one platform to another, you need technical know-how to the redirection from the old blog to the new one is correct.

When you decide to move your blog

PageRank does not drop address structures remain unchanged or if you decide to change the address structures, you will have to redirect Student Mobile List all the old posts to the new links If you don’t have the technical know-how, you will have to outsource these jobs to a professional. Or at least I hope you outsource them to a professional… At the most affordable, you pay €650.00 for the transfer. When adding to this a possible change in appearance, the cost can rise to more than €1,000.00.What is the biggest mistake a beginner blogger makes? So, I ask again, which one do you prefer: Do you pay €100.00 now or €650.00 later, even if you don’t know if you’ve made a euro on the blog by then? A blog move is inevitable one day. Especially if you want to develop your blog, make money with it or use it in business.

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